dr Magdalena Trzcińska-Kubik

Lek. dent. Magdalena Trzcińska–Kubik

In the course of specialization in maxillofacial surgery
A certified doctor of aesthetic medicine

About me:

I graduated from the Medical University of Lodz at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, obtaining the title of dentist in 2009. In 2013, I started working at the Maxillofacial Surgery Department at the Hospital of WAM in Łódź, then I also opened my doctoral thesis and started specializing in maxillofacial surgery.

I completed an internship at the Plastic Surgery Department in Polanica – one of the best Plastic Surgery centers in Poland. A sense of aesthetics and sensitivity to beauty directed me to postgraduate studies in aesthetic medicine for doctors.

In 2017, I defended the title of a certified aesthetic medicine doctor. My special interests include regenerative medicine – the use of platelet-rich plasma and fibrin, which is successfully used both in surgical procedures and in the field of aesthetic medicine (skin regeneration, as well as treatment of scars, stretch marks).

Knowledge, experience and practical skills gained during many years of work in the Maxillofacial Surgery Department help me perform treatments with special care and precision. I always treat my patient individually and with great attention so as to first of all use the potential of the body and help to emphasize the beauty.

I follow the principle of “the less the better” and I focus on naturalness.

I constantly participate in congresses in Poland and around the world to improve my qualifications and exchange experiences with authorities in the field of surgery and aesthetic medicine.

I co-create the TOTUMEDICA Clinic in Łódź – dental and aesthetic medicine offices.

Totu medica