

We are staffed by experienced aesthetic practitioners with many years of experience in providing training and workshops.

dr Bartłomiej Sobolewski

Specialist in anaesthesiology and intensive care, doctor of aesthetic medicine, Juvelook & Lenisna Global Key Opinion Leader, medical director of

dr Karolina Pazera

Doctor of aesthetic medicine

dr Krzysztof Ziemlewski

Doctor of aesthetic medicine

dr n. med. Dominik Ludew

Specialist in dermatology and venereology, doctor of aesthetic medicine

dr Magdalena Kędzia

Specialist anaesthetist, certified aesthetic physician

dr Magdalena Trzcińska-Kubik

Dentist, certified aesthetic practitioner, undergoing specialisation in maxillofacial surgery

dr n. med. Paweł Sokołowicz

Specialist in orthopaedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system

We also run the Rising Stars in Aesthic Trainings programme for young trainers

The programme is open to young doctors who want to progress towards becoming a masterclass trainer in aesthetic medicine.